The B.R.A.I.N Method provides the foundation for all of our whole-person parent, family, life and executive function coaching:
Biology, Relationships, Agency, Individualization, and Neuroplasticity.
Brain: Understanding differences in the chemistry, development, and wiring of the brain helps us see behavior through the lens of unmet needs, lagging skills, and a fight-flight response, not just as laziness or disrespect, so we can respond with an approach that supports the underlying cause of the behavior.
Relationships: Communicating in a way that sees the person as wanting to do well and finding ways to connect through strengths and interests provides a path for creating relationships built on trust and acceptance which leads to healthy self-esteem, collaboration, and learning.
Agency: Reflecting on and accepting how current thought and action patterns lead towards or away from goals is the first step in developing self-agency and determination so that new habits, strategies, and skills aligned with goals can be developed.
Individualization: Co-creating a toolbox of strategies that work with the individual’s unique strengths, motivators, and preferences combined with the just-right level of accountability, leads to new skill, confidence, and action.
Neuroplasticity: Using the individualized strategies and acquired skills over time creates new neural connections that make self-regulation, self-advocacy, and taking action towards goals possible.